Uprising cover art

Persphone’s Pomegranate has been nominated for Cover Artist and Book Art in the Preditors & Editors 2008 Reader’s Poll.  The work we did on Christopher C. Newman’s novel “Uprising” as well as ourselves in the Cover Artist category is a great honor and one that we’re quite proud of.  You can see the results of current voting here:



We are Persephone’s Pomegranate, a cover art design business.  With the advent of e-books and the ability of musicians to produce their own CDs the need for professional artwork is in great demand.  During the initial inquires into the cover art business we were shocked at the money most publishers and record companies were paying for graphic design.  We think great artwork should be affordable from major corporations down to the smallest of businesses, don’t you?  With the costs of everything involved, your cover art shouldn’t complicate your funds any further. 

We work with royalty free photography sites and apply a flat fee for our services.  This means that you can have a single cover well below the industry standard!  If you want something more complex, and can afford it, we can accomodate  you there as well.  With the knowledge that some ebook publishers (for example) pay $50 -65 for a cover you can see where your overhead is considerably reduced. 

We do more than just covers for musicians or publishers, come check out the ebook video trailers that we have created for our clients.  With the conception of YouTube and millions who search there a short two minute video with music, sound effects, and credits can further promote your product or company. 

So if you’re interested and want a free consultation, contact us and we will be more than happy to employ our artistic skills to create something both eye-catching and inexpensive for your next project.  We work through PayPal and email, for your convenience.  Give us a try, we promise you will be pleased with the results.

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